Australia Chronicles: Day 12

8/1/01 - ? Wow!!  Jenn got in more trouble than I thought.  It hink there was a phone call home for this one since she insisted on trying to lie about it and that didn't work.  She gradually gave it up and this probably would be a great commercial for telling the truth straight off rather than hiding the truth, especially when there are witnesses in your room... not to mention the guard that saw her.  It is comforting to know that they are looking out for our well being considering the fact that it could have been anyone trying to get into our room in the middle of the night.

As we walked to breakfast, there were many people crying as many kids were deported this morning back to the U.S.  The kids from New York who were going back were caught purchasing and consuming alcohol, the Mainers were caught with drugs.

We ended the day with a travel day down to Coloundra.  We were staying at another Rydges Oisis Hotel.  I was not feeling well at all.  I believe it might be some food poisoning from the crocidile soup I had.  It was really bad but I'm trying to get through it.  Kenny, Nick, and I were in a room together.  I couldn't keep anything down all day... both ends really.  We had dinner at a marina in Maloolaba.  I didn't eat anything but I drank a lot.

I was carrying a fever so that and the cold temps sent me shivering.  We went to the capricorn caves where  we learned about the caves and all the different formations.  We sang in the cavern named the cathedral.  The national anthem never sounded better.  Then we went bouldering in groups while sharing one flashlight.

James M. Connors